Sunday 27 November 2016


Internship at Kawai Corporation

1.    Number of the internship student:

2.    Qualification:
The student whose major is electricity and good at IT).

3.    Term of internship:        
For 2 months from May 2017

4.    Accommodation:           
Accommodation will be prepared by Kawai Corporation and the rental fee will be paid by the company.

5.    Transportation fee from and to the company:
Transportation fee will be paid by the company.

6.    Cost on living:
Internship student has to pay his/her every day cost on living.

7.    Air fare:
The company will pay a single fare by cash on the first day at Kawai Corporation.

8.    In addition (after finishing the internship):
The student can work at Kawai Corporation at least for 5 years after his/her graduation, if the both parties agree.

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